Sports injury is basically musculoskeletal pain or any concussion that is experienced while participating in any type of sport, physical activity, or exercise that requires medical help. These injuries can be divided into direct and indirect, contact and non-contact, and major and minor categories.
Traumatic sports injuries are may result from improper training techniques, not wearing the correct sports gear, being unfit, improper warm-up or stretching techniques prior to a sporting event or exercise, or being in poor health.
Overuse injuries are typically caused by improper technique and training mistakes, such as jogging too far or not warming up enough. If you have experienced any such injuries or pain you immediately seek medical attention. If you’re looking for a Sports injury specialist in Kolkata then MRC could assist you with the best therapists for your injuries.
Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is one of the most common sports injuries that occur when the tendons in your elbow are overworked. It is usually caused by repetitive wrist and arm movements.
Even though it sounds like an injury that could only happen to athletes, that is not the case. If your job involves overuse of your arms then it could also happen to you.
Tennis Elbow symptoms could be Acute or Chronic.
- Acute injuries happen immediately after an activity, like while playing a game or due to a sudden movement that could injure your elbows.
- Chronic injuries occur gradually over a few days and weeks. It could be due to intense exercise, or lifting a heavy object.
Risk Factors
- Age
- Occupation
- Sports
- Not warming up before a workout
- Certain Medications
The Symptoms
- Stinging or burning pain in the elbow that could spread to your wrist
- Pain and stiffness while extending the arm
- Swollen Elbow Joints
- Weak Grip or inability to hold objects or pick up anything.
- Pain while twisting or bending the arm
If you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms then you need to visit a physiotherapy clinic and seek the help of a sports injury specialist.
Get the best Sports Injury Treatment at MRC
Tennis elbow is a serious issue that should be given immediate medical attention. A slight delay could result to a lot of unwanted problems which will not be limited to your elbows, it could extend to your arms too.
Medical Rehabilitation center is one of the best pain clinic in Kolkata with a team of the best sports injury specialists. They offer specialized treatment with a customized plan that caters to your problems only.
Contact them today to get the best treatment in Kolkata!